Die folgende explorative Analyse rund um die Olympischen Sommerspiele basiert auf einem Datensatz, welcher auf der Plattform Kaggle - einer Online-Community von und für Datenwissenschaftler:innen - von User “rgriffin” unter dem Titel “120 years of Olympic History: Athletes and Results.”[1] zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Der Hauptzweck von Kaggle ist die Organisation von Data-Science-Wettbewerben. Der bereitgestellte Datensatz umfasst alle Olympischen Sommer- und Winterspiele im Zeitraum 1896 bis 2016 und besteht aus 271.116 Sportler:innen mit 15 Attributen, d.h. ca. 4 Millionen Datenpunkten.
Das GOKA-Team hat hierbei den Fokus auf die Agediversity Dimension gelegt. Probiere die interaktiven Grafiken aus, um weitere Details zu erkunden.
<- data_events%>%filter(!is.na(Medal),!is.na(Year),Season=='Summer',Year>1890)%>%left_join(data_team,by=c("NOC"="NOC"))
sport $notes<-NULL
sport<- sport%>%group_by(Sport,region)%>%summarize(total=n())
=c('Archery','Athletics','Basketball','Canoeing','Cycling','Equestrianism','Fencing','Gymnastics','Hockey','Rowing','Sailing','Shooting','Swimming','Table Tennis','Tennis','Weightlifting','Wrestling')
slist <- filter(sport,Sport%in%slist,total>=1)
<- data_events%>%filter(!is.na(Medal),!is.na(Year),Season=='Summer',Year>1890)
age_mi <- age_mi%>%group_by(Sex,Sport)%>%summarize(Age=min(Age,na.rm = TRUE))
age_mi <- data_events%>%filter(!is.na(Medal),Season=="Summer")%>%right_join(age_mi,by=c("Sex","Sport","Age"))
<- filter(age_min,Sport%in%slist)
<-ggplot(age_min,aes(Sport,Age, color=Sport,fill=Name)) +
c geom_point(position = "dodge", width =.5,stat="identity") +
scale_color_viridis_d() +
theme_grey() +
#scale_x_discrete() +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(10,22,by=2)) +
theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.text = element_text(size = 8,face="bold"),
plot.title = element_text(size=12,face = "bold")) #+
#ggtitle("Jüngste Olympia-Medaillengewinner:innen in ausgewählten Sportarten")
<- data_events%>%filter(!is.na(Medal),!is.na(Year),Season=='Summer',Year>1890)%>%left_join(data_team,by=c("NOC"="NOC"))
sport $notes<-NULL
sport<- sport%>%group_by(Sport,region)%>%summarize(total=n())
=c('Archery','Athletics','Basketball','Canoeing','Cycling','Equestrianism','Fencing','Gymnastics','Hockey','Rowing','Sailing','Shooting','Swimming','Table Tennis','Tennis','Weightlifting','Wrestling')
slist <- filter(sport,Sport%in%slist,total>=1)
<- data_events%>%filter(!is.na(Medal),Season=='Summer')
age_mt <-age_mt%>%group_by(Sex,Sport)%>%summarize(Age=max(Age,na.rm = TRUE))
age_mt <- data_events%>%filter(!is.na(Medal),Season=="Summer")%>%right_join(age_mt,by=c("Sex","Sport","Age"))
<- filter(age_max,Sport%in%slist)
<-ggplot(age_max,aes(Sport,Age, color=Sport,fill=Name)) +
c geom_point(position = "dodge", width =.5,stat="identity") +
scale_color_viridis_d() +
#theme_grey() +
#scale_x_discrete() +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(30,75,by=5)) +
xlab("")+ ylab("Alter")+
theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.text = element_text(size = 8,face="bold"),
plot.title = element_text(size=12,face = "bold")) #+
#ggtitle("Älteste Olympia-Medaillengewinner:innen in ausgewählten Sportarten")
<- data_events%>%filter(Season=='Summer')
age_red <- age_red%>%group_by(Sex,Sport)%>%summarize(Age=quantile(Age,na.rm = TRUE))
<- data_events%>%filter(Season=="Summer")%>%right_join(age_red,by=c("Sex","Sport","Age"))
tapply(age_dist$Age, # Specify numeric column
$Sport, # Specify group variable
age_dist quantile))
## 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
## Aeronautics 26 26.0000 26.00 26.000 26
## Alpinism 22 29.7500 43.00 43.000 49
## Archery 14 21.0000 25.00 26.000 71
## Art Competitions 14 37.0000 45.00 45.000 97
## Athletics 12 22.0000 25.00 28.000 52
## Badminton 16 24.0000 25.00 27.500 44
## Baseball 16 23.0000 26.00 29.000 44
## Basketball 16 22.0000 25.00 28.000 40
## Basque Pelota 26 26.0000 26.00 26.000 26
## Beach Volleyball 18 27.0000 30.00 31.000 41
## Boxing 15 20.0000 23.00 25.000 41
## Canoeing 15 22.0000 25.00 28.000 48
## Cricket 21 24.0000 24.00 27.500 44
## Croquet 15 30.7500 36.00 46.000 58
## Cycling 14 21.0000 24.00 26.000 49
## Diving 12 20.0000 21.00 24.000 51
## Equestrianism 16 28.0000 34.00 40.000 72
## Fencing 14 24.0000 28.00 29.000 63
## Figure Skating 18 26.0000 26.75 36.000 45
## Football 15 21.0000 23.00 23.000 40
## Golf 15 24.5000 30.00 37.000 50
## Gymnastics 10 18.0000 22.00 24.000 49
## Handball 14 24.0000 26.00 29.000 43
## Hockey 15 23.0000 25.00 28.000 44
## Ice Hockey 18 23.0000 25.00 29.000 46
## Jeu De Paume 19 29.0000 30.00 38.125 43
## Judo 14 23.0000 25.00 28.000 43
## Lacrosse 14 24.0000 26.00 30.000 37
## Modern Pentathlon 15 23.0000 26.00 29.000 53
## Motorboating 26 26.0000 27.50 30.500 54
## Polo 21 31.0000 35.00 39.000 53
## Racquets 19 24.7500 31.00 38.000 45
## Rhythmic Gymnastics 13 17.0000 18.00 18.000 30
## Roque 37 48.0000 59.00 61.500 64
## Rowing 11 22.0000 25.00 25.000 60
## Rugby 18 22.0000 24.00 26.000 39
## Rugby Sevens 18 23.1875 26.00 28.000 36
## Sailing 13 25.0000 29.00 29.000 71
## Shooting 15 28.0000 33.00 34.000 72
## Softball 17 23.0000 26.00 26.000 41
## Swimming 11 19.0000 19.00 22.000 46
## Synchronized Swimming 15 20.0000 22.00 25.000 40
## Table Tennis 15 23.0000 25.00 29.000 54
## Taekwondo 16 22.0000 24.00 26.000 37
## Tennis 13 23.0000 26.00 28.000 47
## Trampolining 18 22.0000 24.00 27.000 39
## Triathlon 18 25.0000 28.00 30.000 42
## Tug-Of-War 17 25.2500 29.00 33.000 45
## Volleyball 15 23.0000 24.00 27.000 41
## Water Polo 14 22.0000 25.00 28.000 45
## Weightlifting 15 23.0000 25.00 27.000 45
## Wrestling 15 23.0000 25.00 28.000 50
<- data_events%>%filter(!is.na(Year),Season=='Summer',Year>1890)%>%left_join(data_team,by=c("NOC"="NOC"))
sport $notes<-NULL
sport<- sport%>%group_by(Sport,region)%>%summarize(total=n())
=c('Archery','Athletics','Basketball','Canoeing','Cycling','Equestrianism','Fencing','Gymnastics','Hockey','Rowing','Sailing','Shooting','Swimming','Table Tennis','Tennis','Weightlifting','Wrestling')
<- filter(sport,Sport%in%slist,total>=1)
<- filter(age_red,Sport%in%slist)
<- ggplot(data = age_red) +
c geom_pointrange(
mapping = aes(x = Sport, y = Age, color=Sport),
stat = "summary",
fun.min = min,
fun.max = max,
fun = median
scale_color_viridis_d() +
theme_grey() +
#scale_x_discrete() +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(10,100,by=5)) +
theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.text = element_text(size = 8,face="bold"),
plot.title = element_text(size=12,face = "bold")) #+
#ggtitle("Altersbandbreite aller Olympia-Athlet:innen in ausgewählten Sportarten")
<- data_events%>%filter(!is.na(Age),Season=='Summer')%>%group_by(Sex,Age,Year)%>%summarize(pop=n())
df $Sex <- ifelse(df$Sex=="F","Female","Male")
<- df%>%
df mutate(athletes = pop*ifelse(Sex == "Female", -1, 1))
<- df %>%
series group_by(Sex, Age)%>%
do(data = list(sequence = .$athletes)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(Sex) %>%
do(data = .$data) %>%
mutate(name = Sex)%>%
<- max(abs(df$athletes))
<- list(categories = sort(unique(df$Age)),
xaxis reversed = FALSE, tickInterval = 3,
labels = list(step= 3))
<- sort(unique(df$Year))
highchart() %>%
hc_chart(type = "bar") %>%
hc_motion(enabled = TRUE, labels =yrs, series = c(0,1), autoplay = TRUE, updateInterval = 4) %>%
hc_add_series_list(series) %>%
hc_colors(c("#1dd985", "#1836d9")) %>%
series = list(stacking = "normal"),
bar = list(groupPadding = 0, pointPadding = 0, borderWidth = 0)
) hc_tooltip(shared = TRUE) %>%
xaxis,::list.merge(xaxis, list(opposite = TRUE, linkedTo = 0))
) hc_tooltip(shared = FALSE,
formatter = JS("function () { return '<b>' + this.series.name + ', Age ' + this.point.category + '</b><br/>' + 'athletes: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(Math.abs(this.point.y), 0);}")
) #hc_title(text = "Athlet:innen der Olympischen Sommerspiele von 1896 bis 2016 nach Geschlecht und Alter")%>%
#hc_subtitle(text = "Olympische Sommerspiele 1896 to 2016")
<- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="M",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Swimming")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_sps <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="M",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Athletics")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_spa <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="M",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Gymnastics")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_spg <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="M",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Hockey")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_spf <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="M",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Tennis")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_spt <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="M",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Basketball")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
= data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Season=='Summer')%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(Y=unique(Year))
<- age_y%>%left_join(age_sps, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_sps <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spa, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_spa <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spg, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_spg <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spf, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_spf <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spt, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_spt <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spc, by=c("Y"="Year"))
highchart(height = "700px") %>%
#hc_title(text = "Durchschnittsalter der männlichen Athlet:innen bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen ab 1988 in ausgewählten Sportarten") %>%
#hc_subtitle(text = "Olympische Sommerspiele ab 1988") %>%
#hc_credits(enabled = TRUE, text = "120 years of Olympic history: athletes and results", style = list(fontSize = "10px")) %>%
#hc_add_theme(hc_theme_flat()) %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = age_y$Y,title = list(text = "Jahr")) %>%
hc_add_series(name = "Swimming", color = "grey", data = age_sps$avg)%>%
hc_add_series(name = "Athletics", color = "#f9b4cb", data = age_spa$avg) %>%
hc_add_series(name = "Gymnastics", color = "lightgrey", data = age_spg$avg)%>%
hc_add_series(name = "Hockey", color = "#fa4f1e", data = age_spf$avg)%>%
hc_add_series(name = "Tennis",color = "#1836d9", data = age_spt$avg)%>%
hc_add_series(name = "Basketball", color = "#1dd985", data = age_spc$avg)%>%
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Altersdurchschnitt"),
labels = list(format = "{value}"), max = 30) %>%
hc_legend(enabled = T, layout = "vertical", align= "right", verticalAlign = "middle") %>%
<- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="F",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Swimming")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_sps <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="F",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Athletics")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_spa <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="F",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Gymnastics")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_spg <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="F",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Hockey")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_spf <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="F",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Tennis")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
age_spt <- data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Sex=="F",Season=='Summer',Sport=="Basketball")%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(avg=round(mean(Age,na.rm = TRUE),1))
= data_events%>%filter(Year>1987,Season=='Summer')%>%group_by(Year)%>%summarize(Y=unique(Year))
<- age_y%>%left_join(age_sps, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_sps <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spa, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_spa <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spg, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_spg <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spf, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_spf <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spt, by=c("Y"="Year"))
age_spt <- age_y%>%left_join(age_spc, by=c("Y"="Year"))
highchart(height = "700px") %>%
#hc_title(text = "Durchschnittsalter der weiblichen Athlet:innen bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen ab 1988 in ausgewählten Sportarten") %>%
#hc_subtitle(text = "Olympische Sommerspiele ab 1988") %>%
#hc_credits(enabled = TRUE, text = "120 years of Olympic history: athletes and results", style = list(fontSize = "10px")) %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = age_y$Y,title = list(text = "Jahr")) %>%
hc_add_series(name = "Swimming", color = "grey", data = age_sps$avg)%>%
hc_add_series(name = "Athletics", color = "#f9b4cb", data = age_spa$avg) %>%
hc_add_series(name = "Gymnastics", color = "lightgrey", data = age_spg$avg)%>%
hc_add_series(name = "Hockey", color = "#fa4f1e", data = age_spf$avg)%>%
hc_add_series(name = "Tennis",color = "#1836d9", data = age_spt$avg)%>%
hc_add_series(name = "Basketball", color = "#1dd985", data = age_spc$avg)%>%
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Altersdurchschnitt"),
labels = list(format = "{value}"), max = 30) %>%
hc_legend(enabled = T, layout = "vertical", align= "right", verticalAlign = "middle")%>%
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[1] Rgriffin. “120 Years of Olympic History: Athletes and Results.” Kaggle, 15 June 2018.